Securing plan approvals and permits is only one part of a long process—especially when dealing with new construction or major alterations, which literally take years from groundbreaking to move-in. Once permit are in hand, our Sign-Off Division starts monitoring the progress for each work type. We stay in touch with each team member and provide weekly updates.

As the work progresses, we help secure and track the various closeout requirements for every application. Our permit expediter teams help schedule inspections through DOB NOW: Inspect, and we submit all documentation to the appropriate parties. Diligent attention to detail throughout the actual construction process allows us to identify—and to resolve—issues early. Projects stay on schedule, and clients receive timely Certificates of Occupancy (COs).


Our dedicated Plumbing Division plays a critical role in the sign-off process. Current paperwork often proves challenging. Because many plumbing and sprinkler jobs are self-certified, problems with the initial application frequently arise during sign-off.

For Park Projects Consulting-managed projects, our plumbing team can review drawings and identify issues before plumbing inspections. In many cases, however, clients call upon us to correct problematic paperwork. Our resident permit expediter experts maintain ongoing communication with plumbing contractors and city agencies to review and resolve errors and, ultimately, to acquire official sign-off.

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